Annual Financial Reports are Due!!!!

4-H Club Volunteers your annual financial reports are due tomorrow January 31, 2025. Our office is open 8 AM to 4:30 PM. You cannot email or fax the documents. You must turn in the January 2024 bank statement, the December 2024 bank statement, and the annual financial report. There are 2 options to complete the report. The first option is to complete the paper copy mailed to organizational club volunteers in the last newsletter. The second option is to complete the form online. Here is a link to the information on how to complete online.

REMINDER: DEADLINES are important.

FINAL REMINDER: New Volunteer Applications

The deadline is quickly approaching, if you know anyone interested in becoming a 4-H Volunteer for Morgan County in 2025 make sure they get their applications in by January 31st!!


Do you know anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for 4-H? The application to become a new volunteer in 2025 for Morgan County is now available as a printable document or an online survey.

This application is the first step in the process of being selected to serve in this role. Here is the online application.

To receive a printable document of the application please call the office at (740)962-4854.

Trainings and interviews take place in early February, so the deadline to turn in your application is by  January 31st.

Volunteer Banquet


The 4-H Committee invites you to join them at the volunteer celebration! This celebration is to reward all current Morgan County 4-H volunteers for their dedicated years of service!

Saturday January 11th 5:30pm at the Eagles!


Please RSVP at the link below!

4-H New Volunteer Applications Live!

Do you know anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for 4-H? The application to become a new volunteer in 2025 for Morgan County is now available as a printable document or an online survey.

This application is the first step in the process of being selected to serve in this role. Here is the online application.

To receive a printable document of the application please call the office at (740)962-4854.

Trainings and interviews take place in early February, so the deadline to turn in your application is by  January 31st.

Skillathon Help Needed!

Skillathon is an event that test the knowledge of the livestock species that youth exhibit at the fair. In Morgan County, it is required by the Senior Fair Board to complete to exhibit at the county fair, receive a premium, and compete for premier market exhibitor. There are three stations involved: 1) a review of the project record book and questions on quality assurance, 2) an interview based on knowledge of the animal, and 3) an activity to complete based on knowledge of the animal. This is a learning opportunity for the youth to apply their knowledge and practice life skills.

We need some volunteers to donate their time as judges for skillathon. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. You do not need to be an expert in livestock, and you do not have to stay all day! We have a morning shift option from 8am – Noon or an afternoon shift option from Noon – 4pm. You are more than welcome to stay all day (8am – 4pm) if you’d like.


We particularly need help in the all day or afternoon time frame!


If you’re interested in helping, we just need your name, email, and your time commitment. You can either call Sophia at 740-252-5435 or email her at to sign up.

Deadline Approaching!


The Add/Drop/Change deadline is quickly approaching!  4-H members that completed their enrollment by April 1st are able to Add, Drop, or Change 4-H projects.

If you or anyone you know would like to add/drop/change projects you have until May 15th, 2024 to do so!


Please stop by the Extension Office to fill out the form. Office hours are Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-4:30 PM.

If you have any questions, call the office at (740) 962-4854.

Last Reminder: Enrollment




Countdown to our deadline is 5 days!!

April 1st is coming quickly! If you have not done so already, please get enrollments in for any youth, adult volunteer, riding therapy volunteer that want to participate in 4-H for 2024!

Our deadline is April 1st and no late enrollments will be accepted so get them in while there is still time!

Cloverbud Resources

Calling all Cloverbud Volunteers!


Here are some helpful resources for you to help plan your meetings with the cloverbuds this year!

Cloverbud Meeting Menu

Ohio 4-H Professionals have created the Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Meeting Menu for volunteers to use with Cloverbud Club members at your meetings. The Menu is a tool to help you serve up an exciting year of Cloverbud meetings. You can choose from a selection of components to engage your 4-H Cloverbuds.  You will find a variety of activities, games and snacks all based around a yearly theme. The theme this year is Going WILD with Ohio 4-H Cloverbuds.


Cloverbud Engineering Adventure

The Cloverbud Engineering Adventure gives Cloverbuds the opportunity to work cooperatively in teams to problem-solve using STEM (science, engineering, technology and math) skills. A new theme is selected each year and teams research a topic, build a working model of their solution to the adventure challenge and create a poster to illustrate their findings. Teams present their models and findings to a team of reviewers, learn about other Cloverbud projects, participate in age-appropriate STEM activities, and are recognized during a closing celebration.


This year’s theme is Going WILD! Whether imagining the jungles of Southeast Asia, learning about the natural wonders of United States National Parks or exploring nature in their own backyard, this year’s Cloverbud Engineering Adventure will get Cloverbuds thinking about the world we live in. Cloverbuds will explore the idea of habitats and what habitats provide for the animals and plants that live there. They will have opportunities for discovery, creativity and problem solving as they explore habitats that are around them or learn about ones that are in other parts of the world. For more information on the Cloverbud Engineering Adventure and to register, please visit


Cloverbud Connections Blog

Looking for new ideas and programming tools for your 4-H Cloverbuds? Check out this blog! You can subscribe to the site and receive an email when new posts are added. The site is searchable by key words and topic to help readers find content. The blog provides a unique blend of education, activities, and fun to build and challenge 4-H Cloverbud Volunteers teaching kindergarten through second grade youth.

2024 Ohio 4-H Conference Registration Deadline

4-H Volunteers and Teens age 13+ as of January 1, 2024 are invited to attend the Ohio 4-H Conference March 9, 2024 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. The 4-H Advisory Committee will pay the registration fee if you complete the registration form and return it the Extension Office by February 6th at 4:30 PM.

Learn more about the Ohio 4-H Conference at


Financial Report Due January 31, 2024 — 4-H Organizational Club Volunteers

Your annual financial report is due January 31, 2024. Details on what is needed to complete the report and ways to complete the report was included the October 2023 Newsletter here is the link:

It was also referred to in the January 2024 newsletter you just received.

A copy of the paper form should have been in the October Newsletter for the Organizational Club Volunteer but if it was not in your letter here is a link to paper form.
If you do not have the ability to print a hardcopy can be picked up at the office.

The paper form must be mailed or dropped off at the office. It cannot be emailed or faxed due to financial information included on the document.

All 4-H clubs are required to complete a financial statement whether you have a bank account.

Please make sure to include the accurate EIN number on the form.