2020 State 4-H Leadership Camp Counselor Staff Applications Available

The 2020 State 4-H Leadership Camp Staff Applications are now available!! Interested individuals can view a letter with more information at: https://ohio4h.org/camp/leadership-camp titled “2020 Potential Leadership Camp Counselor/Staff Information and Application”.  A link to the application is included in the letter.

Applications are due no later than April 1, 2020. If you have questions, please let me know!!

Here are some highlights about the opportunity:

  • Individuals 18+ prior to June 1, 2020 who are good leaders, past counselors, or interested in helping may apply
  • Must complete application, undergo selection, have current background check, attend training
  • Applications due: April 1 (due to earlier camp dates)
  • Interviews: Week of April 6th
  • Staff Training Weekend (Camp Ohio): May 8-10, 2020.  Yes this is Mother’s Day weekend, but with an early camp, we must have earlier training so we could try to have everything ordered before camp!

2020 Making eXtreme Counselors (MXC)

Older youth age 14 to 18 who plan to serve as camp counselors are invited to Making eXtreme Counselors (MXC)–an interactive and quick-paced training that offers innovative camp ideas to new and veteran camp counselors. MXC participants will leave with skills that will enable them to assist in their county’s camp program planning and delivery, and prepare them to deliver a great camp program to their campers.

MXC is a national award-winning workshop that will be useful for all potential camp counselors. Don’t miss your chance to participate—the event will be offered once in 2020, during the weekend of February 22-23. MXC will be held at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the campus of The Ohio State University. Counselors will earn camp counselor training hours while attending this event (number of hours is determined by county).  All participants will receive a take-home kit of supplies. They also will be able to share and gain ideas with teens from other counties all across the state.

Registration Form: 2020 MXC Participant Registration

2019 Camp Counseling Information

Attached are the 2019 Ohio 4-H Achievement Record and Camp Counselor Application. Janessa Hill (Holmes County 4-H Educator) and I are arranging not only for the monthly camp counselor meetings, but some joint meetings in the Danville area as well. The 24 hours of training prior to camp are required, but there will be many opportunities to gain those hours through 4-H events.

Knox County meetings will be on the third Tuesday of each month (except for March, 2019) starting in October. I recommend you purchase or create a calendar to better manage your time with all of your other school, sport, music, church, FFA, FCCLA commitments. When I want something done, I ask a busy person.

Save dates for the MXC training (February 23-24, 2019); Buckeye Leadership Workshop (March 20-24, 2019, with a scholarship application deadline of the first week in January); Camp Counselor Workshop (April 26-27, with no extended hours)

Ohio Achievement Record – 2019 4-H Achievement Form-wjqlag

Camp Counselor Application – Camp Counselor Application 2019-12fp7k4

– Larry

2018 Carving New Ideas

This great opportunity for 4-H youth in grades eight through twelve. Many teens are looking for fun camping opportunities so here is a perfect opportunity that they can come to and not have to go through a selection process. They can just come and have fun!

Open to 8th-12th grade 4-H members, Carving New Ideas is a camping opportunity for older youth, concentrating on the principles of critical thinking and program facilitation. This year’s theme is CSI at CNI. All the fun will center around mystery and investigation while enhancing leadership skills.

If you would like more information or to register please see the flyer: CNI Poster-2idw5ih

– Andrea

Camp Counselors Needed for Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Camps

We are looking for great camp counselors. Shooting Sports experience is not required!

Junior Shooting Sports Camp is June 28-July 1st (campers arrive on the 29th) at Canter’s Cave. Youth must be at least 14 years old as of January 1, 2018. Youth must complete all required training. If a youth is not a counselor in your county but interested, we do have a training opportunity April 20-22nd at the adult instructor workshop. We have also had some youth who were not available for county camps complete training in the county at the discretion of the 4-H professional (great option for those who live further away!). If youth are a counselor in your county, they do need to fill out an application but will not be required to attend any additional training.

Senior Shooting Sports Camp is July 7th-13th (campers arrive on the 8th) at Canter’s Cave. Counselors must be at least 18 as of January 1, 2018 and not attending SS camp as a camper. This is a great way to keep young alumni who have recently aged out involved! For alumni, a great system has been to have them go through volunteer screening in the county. You recruit a young volunteer and we get some great camp counselors! Training is available April 20-22nd for these individuals also.

The application is on the website here: https://ohio4h.org/families/members/events-opportunties/shooting-sports/4-h-shooting-ed-camp and is due to me by March 15th.

– Andrea

Camp Counselor Opportunity – Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports

Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Camps are seeking camp counselors. The application is on the website here: https://ohio4h.org/families/members/events-opportunties/shooting-sports/4-h-shooting-ed-camp and is due to me by March 15th.

We are looking for great camp counselors. Shooting Sports experience is not required!

Junior Shooting Sports Camp is June 28-July 1st (campers arrive on the 29th) at Canter’s Cave. Youth must be at least 14 years old as of January 1, 2018. Youth must complete all required training. If a youth is not a counselor but interested, we do have a training opportunity April 20-22nd at the adult instructor workshop. We have also had some youth who were not available for county camps complete training in the county at the discretion of the 4-H professional (great option for those who live further away!). If youth are a current counselor, they do need to fill out an application but will not be required to attend any additional training.

Senior Shooting Sports Camp is July 7th-13th (campers arrive on the 8th) at Canter’s Cave. Counselors must be at least 18 as of January 1, 2018 and not attending SS camp as a camper. This is a great way to keep young alumni who have recently aged out involved! Training is available April 20-22nd for these individuals also.