2023 State 4-H Event Youth Assistants Needed

The Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistants (4HEYA) are a statewide group of 4-H teens that assist with Ohio State Fair events. In this process, members have an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program. They develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for future success. 4HEYAs work in partnership with the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council, but the experiences as a whole are different.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE?: 4-H members who are 13-18 years old as of January 1, 2023 and have previously completed at least one year of 4-H


  • Term: June 1 -August 31(Applicants are still eligible to apply to be a member of TLC for the next term. Find more information about TLC here.)
  • Working Events: Members are required to work at least 3 events at the Ohio State Fair. They will have the opportunity to sign up for their particular events in June.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: In addition to working events, members are required to attend one of the training options (either July 11 or 17, 2023), both are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.
    • Please note, individuals MUST attend one of the training options. This is not negotiable. If you know you are unable to attend a training option before applying, it is best to wait another year before applying to serve in this capacity.

LOCATION: All meetings and events are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. There are some Ohio State Fair events that are “off-site,” but members will be notified of the location prior to signing up for an event.

APPLICATION: Interested Ohio 4-H members are asked to submit by May 15:

  • completed application (go.osu.edu/4HEYAapp),
  • program fee ($25 submitted at go.osu.edu/4HEYA25 for new applicants, $15 submitted at go.osu.edu/4HEYA15 for returning applicants),
  • two references (one must be from a non-related Extension professional and one can be from non-related 4-H club advisor, coach, teacher, etc.)
  • DEADLINE: May 15 (no late applications will be accepted!)


  • 4HEYA Polo
  • 4HEYA Nametag
  • State Fair admission and parking ticket(s) for the day(s) events are worked.
  • State Fair meal ticket(s) for the day(s) events are worked.
  • Optional state fair housing in the Rhodes Center Dormitory.
    • NOTE: This is not required, but is an option for youth to stay overnight, if they desire to do so due to event work schedules. While youth are not chaperoned after the event(s) worked, there are adults present in the dormitory on the fairgrounds who monitor curfew and security of the dormitory. Housing is in a gender-specific shared living space, with several bunk beds in one room. 4-H representatives will be housed with other youth participants (4-H members and non-members) of the Ohio State Fair.
  • Experience of working events at the Ohio State Fair.
  • An opportunity to enhance leadership skills and be involved in the state 4-H program.


Contact Frances Foos (foos.61@osu.edu; 614-247-9945) or Sarah Longo (longo.79@osu.edu; 614-688-2533)

Ohio Youth Livestock Webinar – Poultry Focus

Wednesday, April 26th : Poultry Health
https://osu.zoom.us/j/98164067948?pwd=OWdqQ2dhTk95MDdwNzBZOW51Mzhjdz09 (Password: 682120)
Protecting animal health at home and at the fair, common disease ID, and more!

Thursday, May 4th : Poultry Nutrition
https://osu.zoom.us/j/92999680333?pwd=b2dyK0h3S1ljK2RkQlFHWmlaM1FzZz09 (Password: 870670)
Nutrition best practices, how nutrition impacts meat quality

Monday, May 15th : Poultry Handling and Welfare
https://osu.zoom.us/j/97491993463?pwd=bWVLNTZ5MVRDaUZDTCtZN1lzdzJUUT09 (Password: 231076)
Animal handling and welfare at home and at the fair, impact of handling and stress on meat quality

Flyer: Youth Poultry Project Webinar 2023

2023 Buckeye Young Shepherds’ Expo

What are you doing April 22? Get yourself to Columbus for the first-ever Buckeye Young Shepherds’ Expo! Exciting, hands-on sessions around a variety of sheep and lamb topics. Complete your Quality Assurance requirements, take a look at a real lamb carcass and the cuts of meat, work on your ear tagging/tail docking/injection skills, and learn about careers in the livestock industry. Plus, visit with old friends and make new ones! The cost is $15 for kids and adults, which includes lunch. Youth participants receive a FREE t-shirt. Register by April 8 at http://ohiosheep.org/lead-buckeyeyoungshepherdsexpo.html Registration will be capped at 200 participants, so register early!

Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training will be held on Sunday, April 23, from 1:00pm – 7:00pm at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Registrations are due by Monday April 17. The registration fee is $45.00 for adults and $35.00 for youth (13+). Registration is online only and can be found at https://go.osu.edu/4-hpetpals2023.

Please note that this training is later in the 4-H year than we would like. It is the first training offered since 2020 and it took a little more to organize than originally thought. The goal was a quality training so please bear with us until we get back on a more regular schedule. This training will be offered every February in the future.

What is 4-H PetPALS?

4-H PetPALS is an intergeneration leader-directed project connecting youth and their pets with senior adults and other people in various types of health care facilities, hospices, as well as youth in school programs, libraries, etc. 4-H members learn to select, socialize and train appropriate pets to participate as youth pet teams in animal-assisted activities.

To be a 4-H member enrolled in 4-H PetPALS, there must be a trained adult Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer giving leadership to this project. This can be in a separate 4-H PetPALS club or within an existing 4-H Club.

The training on April 23 will give volunteers the information needed to become 4-H PetPALS advisors. Older youth (13+) are also welcome to attend the training. They will engage in activities to help the adult advisors teach their members.

Information about 4-H PetPALS can be found at https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-4-h-petpals.

Interested volunteers contact Renee Clark clark.471@osu.edu or Sara Deakin deakin.5@osu.edu if they have questions.

Updates to the 4-H Calendar – March 2023

There have been some updates to the tentative schedule. Please use the PDF file to update your clubs/families or direct them to the calendar on this blog.


  • The April 5th Cloverbud activity is now April 11 @ 5:00pm.
  • The county wide shooting events will be held at Campbell’s Sportsman’s Club in Howard.
  • Dog show schedule has been set. Looking to get updated paperwork out ASAP!
  • 4-H Camp: Counselors will move June 5 and campers will move in June 6 around 9 am.

2023 4-H Calendar – Tentative

As always, this is a tentative schedule and is subject to change. We will do our best to update this as soon as we know to keep everyone on the same page. Please contact the extension office with questions!



4-H Urban Immersion Project

The 4-H Urban Immersion Project (UIP) is an Ohio 4-H initiative that combines cross-cultural learning, teamwork and service learning in the urban environment of Washington, DC.  This year marks the 10th anniversary of the UIP Experience!

4-H teens ages 15-18 and still in High School are eligible for this 4-day service-learning experience that will build skills and abilities to prepare youth for success in a diverse workplace as well as build cultural understanding of those who are different.  This experience will not be about shopping or sightseeing, although we will visit some monuments and historic sites. The cost of the experience is $180.  Limited scholarship funds are also available.  All teen applicants will be contacted to complete an additional phone interview before selection.

  • Who:                         Teens ages 15-18 (by the date of the trip – still in High School)  –  Space is limited.
  • Where:                      Washington, DC (Washington Seminar Center – 201 4th St. SE, Washington, DC)                      
  • When:                       Thursday (6am), September 21st – Sunday, September 24th, 2023
  • Application:             https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:6fe9638f-9d08-330c-844b-8a66900ed822  (go.osu.edu/uip23)
  • Cost:                          $180 (check payable to Warren County Extension) (Includes most meals, program fees, overnight lodging and transportation)


Virtual Career Night

This virtual career night is being hosted by the Wyoming 4-H Program…..

Have you ever thought about being a zoo keeper, a chef, a police dog trainer, doing livestock embryo transfer, an electrician or even being a doctor? Then this event is for YOU! Join us to explore a variety of career options and get your questions answered about what degree do you need, should you do an internship, what you need to do in high school to get ready for a career and much more! We will have door prizes we are giving away and lots of fun to be had throughout the evening. Join us March 21 at 6pm (MST) for a fun evening of exploring careers.  For more information and to register for this free event go to: https://wyoming4h.org/virtual-career-night/

2023 Ohio 4-H Sea Camp

Ohio 4-H Sea Camp pre-registration has launched! Our staff is excited to invite teens to Kelley’s Island during July 14-18 to learn aquatic science, water recreation and safety, and so much more!

About Sea Camp 2023:

  • Sea Camp is open to any teen ages 15-17; enrollment in 4-H is not a requirement for registering.
  • Campers must be age 15-17 as of July 14 (day one of camp). If an individual is 18+ at the time of camp, please encourage them to complete a camp counselor application by April 15.
  • Cost is $400 to members of 4-H. Cost is $450 to teens not enrolled. Thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation for grant support for enrolled members!

In addition to camper pre-registration survey found online, we are continuing to accept applications for camp counselors through April 15! Counselors must be 18+ at the time of camp. These applications are found on the Sea Camp website.

Website: Go.osu.edu/SeaCamp

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ohio4HSeaCamp/

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out the Sea Camp Directors!

  • Co-Director: Ashley Hughey, Portage County 4-H Youth Development Educator, Hughey.28@osu.edu
  • Co-Director: Jenny Strickler, Coshocton County 4-H Youth Development Educator, strickler.60@osu.edu

2023 Ohio Beef Expo Judging Contest

On behalf of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association and the Ohio State University, we welcome you to join us at the 35th Annual Ohio Beef Expo for the Judging Contest. Beef Expo is one of Ohio’s largest industry events, bringing youth, breeders and the public together.

The EARLY registration deadline is March 1 – $10 per participant, $40 per team

The LATE registration deadline is March 12 – $15 per participant, $60 per team

Link: https://www.ohiobeefexpo.com/schedule-events/youth-events

If you have any questions about the contest, reach out to Karigan at kblue@ohiocattle.org or by phone at 614-873-6736