Meeting 1


January 10, 2018


Hitchcock Hall 224


Brainstorm components and variables to consider when designing the AEV. Discuss how the team should go about constructing the AEV.

Team Members Present:

– Nina Moore

– Jacob Ryan

– Ravvin DeArmond

– Mason France

During the meeting:

– During the first meeting, the team believed it was best if before they began designing and starting to create the AEV, they brainstormed some what they should consider.

  • The team unanimously decided to have the design based off the motor so that way they had a good idea on how to approach creating the AEV.
  • Jacob mentioned that the team should keep the inclines of the track in mind when they got to the movement part of the AEV.
  • Nina informed the group to keep the friction and traction of the rails in mind because it may affect the speed and stopping time of the AEV.
  • Mason pointed out that air resistance may be a problem due to how close the air vents in the room where close to the tracks.
  • The team decided they want to keep it as light as possible.
  • Ravvin mentioned the possibility of 3D printing some of the parts. If the team decides to 3D printing, they must consider the size of the pieces that may affect center of gravity or the mass of the AEV in general.
  • Jacob brought up how the code that should allow forward and reverse movement.
  • The team could not decide, at first, how should the AEV reach the target. Glide? Servo Motor braking? Reverse propeller?   The team decided it would be a lot better if the team used a Servo Motor brake so the AEV stops at its targeted mark more accurately.
  • Mason mentioned how the team should first understand the assigned rail. The reason for this is because the team does not know the state the rail may be in. There may be slight imperfections such as dents, slight inclines, scratches, and deformations which all of those variables could affect their AEV.
  • Nina brought up a good point about how much time the team’s AEV had to make its stops. The mentioning of time is important because if time is a factor they must consider, then they will have to keep in mind how fast the AEV should be going and watching to see if the speed of the AEV must increase or decrease.

Tasks to complete before the next meeting:

– Nina:

  • Come up with ideas on how the AEV should look.
  • Update the team’s website.

– Jacob:

  • Consider the materials needed for the AEV.
  • Update the team’s website.

– Ravvin:

  • Find more variables to consider before the team creates the AEV.
  • Update the team’s website.


  • Find ideas on how to build the AEV.
  • Update the team’s website.

Plans for next meeting:

  • Discuss how to design the AEV.
  • Decide materials should be used.
  • Create plans for the design of AEV.