Year in Review

With my time in scholars, I have shown personal growth through gaining many different leadership experiences. Specifically, through joining various student Boards such as the Dinner with Doctors with AED and volunteering at the James Cancer research hospital, I have grown as a leader. During scholars events such as the heart walk, I was able to contribute to my new community and become apart of something larger than myself. When I entered the biological scholar program, I was nervous about joining something so unfamiliar to me. However, after my first semester, I have become more comfortable at OSU and now can call it my home. Not only has my willingness to take action and become a leader improved, but I have also gained beyond what I have expected from the Neuroscience major. My initial expectations completely shifted and allowed me to gain new perspectives regarding scholars. Comparing my experience to others, the scholars community has allowed me to become closer to those in scholars and make the school seem smaller. Reflecting on personal growth allows us to realize how the past has shaped us. Therefore, reflecting on my time here has allowed me to realize how much I have changed. Overall, I have been greatly influence by my time at OSU and have developed as a leader in my community.