Semester in Review

This semester has been a rollercoaster ride with all kinds of ups and downs, but all in all, I have learned and grown a lot from it. I live in a quad in Barrett House, and I came in not knowing my roommates. Living in such small quarters was an adjustment for me, but I quickly got used to it and now actually really enjoy living with a bunch of good friends. As is the case with most college freshmen, classes were a bit overwhelming right off the bat. It came as a surprise how much more work is required for college courses than the typical high school class. After meeting with my advisor and going to office hours, I finally saw that it is all very possible to do well in, and I started getting better grades. Outside of classes, I have been regularly attending Biological Sciences Scholars events, remaining an active member of Health Points, as well participating the running club from time to time. Over the course of the year, I have become more familiar with my surroundings and gotten more comfortable with all of the resources that are available to me. This semester has definitely been one of the most influential experiences of my life, and I truly believe the changes that I have gone through have made me a better person.

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