Milestone #5: Presentation to Advisor / 2nd Reader

Image Source: AnnaRoseLeach

On November 29, 2017 at 12:00 PM EST – I successfully defended my practicum project entitled “Revitalizing a Course Roadmap” and completed my MLT degree requirements!  This was EHE’s first MLT virtual presentation and defense.  Thanks to Dr. Kui Xie and Dr. Ana-Paula Correia for serving on my committee.

To see the full presentation and questions, please click on this link:   

Final Reflection

The practicum experience was very beneficial to my academic growth.  I was able to work independently on a project.  I gathered resources despite having to reframe my research question a couple times.  I was able to put a reasonable time line together.  Lastly, I gained invaluable experience synthesizing the information and presenting it online.  I have gained confidence in my abilities to be a leader in the learning development world.  During the practicum, there were two main topics that I discovered I want and need to grow further in: data for learning design and realizing the principles and theories that I incorporate.

When designing the practicum timeline, I made assumption about available data in Canvas.  I assumed that I would be able to explore down to the modular level, when students were active or how long it took for them to complete a component.  I was grossly mistaken on what is available.  My big take away from this is that I understand simple data analysis.  I believe that xAPI can be a great benefit to my future learning design efforts as well as other learning designers.  My next step is to participate in the Torrance xAPI cohort.  I met Ms. Torrance last June and she invited me to participate.  Also, I will be working with Ms. Kristin Anthony to create a data component to her instructional design app that should be released early next year.

Finally, the practicum advisor and second-reader presentation was an excellent experience.  I had never had an oral exam before.  I drew several blanks and tripped over my words during questioning.  Next time, I will be better prepared.  From this process, I realized that through the practicum experience, I drew many ideas from my courses from the year before and current semester.  Here are a few:

  • I used Mayer’s principles of multimedia learning when considering the visuals, text, and pictures of the roadmap and video
  • For the roadmap, I drew a sketch and wireframe, just like I was taught in the summer course on websites for education.
  • I recalled the discussion of Information Processing Theory: Encoding and Storage from a course called Learning, Culture and Technology that I took Autumn 2016. I was sure to restate module one’s information in a schema and careful to organize the information in module two so that it was easier to learn and recall.

What I wish I would have done is mentioned these principles, theories, and practices in my reflections and presentations. In hind sight, I approached this practicum in a very procedural and practical way, as if this were a project for work.  For this program, it is an ok approach, but I would highly recommend that future participants share what they used from the program curriculum while reflecting and presenting.