Turfgrass Science Summer Camp

July 9th – July 13th, 2018
Turfgrass Science Summer Camp

Director: Pamela Sherratt
Co-Directors: Dr. Karl Danneberger, Dr. David Gardner, Todd Hicks, Dr. Ed McCoy, Dr. Ed Nangle, Dr. Zane Raudenbush, Joe Rimelspach, Dr. Dave Shetlar, Dr. John Street, and Matt Williams

  • Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes at the Ohio Stadium? 
  • Have you ever wondered how they get logos on sports fields? 
  • Have you ever thought about how golf courses stay so green? 

The Ohio State University is excited to announce the inaugural Turfgrass Science Summer Camp! An interdisciplinary collaboration of faculty and staff has launched the camp, developing its activities in partnership with The Ohio State University’s sports facilities and grounds staff, and other local golf and sports facilities. Continue reading Turfgrass Science Summer Camp

Organic & Synthetic Herbicides for Athletic Fields

Crabgrass (Digitaria sp.)on football field

One of the routine maintenance tasks for athletic field management is the control of weeds. This is not just for aesthetic purposes. Sometimes the weeds can result in reduced lateral shear strength and increased chance for athlete injury. Herbicides, when used according to the label, have been shown to present minimal risk to end users and are typically employed by athletic managers to selectively remove different weeds. However, we are increasingly seeing laws and regulations being passed aimed at reducing exposure to pesticides, including bans of pesticide use on public lands or on school property. In these areas the use of synthetic herbicides is not permitted and alternative management strategies need to be used. Continue reading Organic & Synthetic Herbicides for Athletic Fields

Emergency Field Repairs

By Pam Sherratt

It’s Friday night and it has been raining all day. Your high school football team has just finished winning a big league game and emotions are running high. After all the high fives and congratulatory hand shakes, you turn your attention to the field. What you see is a 100-yard mud hole. You start thinking about what needs to be done to prepare the field for next week’s game. So what do you do? Continue reading Emergency Field Repairs

Seeding During the Play Season

By Pam Sherratt
The official date for turf renovation in the Midwest is August 15th to September 15th. These dates offer the best opportunity for timely rains, warm soils, little weed competition and enough time for the new grass to get established before the first frost.
On athletic fields, there are several heavily-worn areas that will need constant over-seeding between now and the end of the playing season. Those areas include soccer goal mouths, sidelines, entry and exits points and between the hash marks on American football fields.

Continue reading Seeding During the Play Season

2017 Turfgrass Pathology Disease Day

On Thursday July 13th, 2017, the Turfgrass Pathology team at The Ohio State University will be hosting a Turfgrass Disease Field Day.

Attendees are invited to spend time looking at disease trials and hear about current and new fungicides. There will be an update on the diagnostic clinic and time for a Q&A session.
This is an ideal opportunity for turfgrass managers to spend time with Joe Rimelspach & Todd Hicks and get the most up-to-date information on turfgrass disease issues.

The event is free.

For more information, download this flyer, call (614) 778-9172 or email hicks.19@osu.edu