About Me

Allen Zhang 2015_24

Hello, and welcome to my About Me page!

My name is Allen Zhang, and I was born in Washington D.C.

Although I was born in the District of Columbia, the majority of my childhood was spent elsewhere. From when I was around one year old to when I was around six or seven I lived with my grandparents in Fuzhou, China. Afterwards, I moved back to the United States to live with my parents in Worthington, Ohio. I lived in Worthington and attended Wilson Hill Elementary school until the fourth grade. In the fourth grade, my parents decided that it was best to move to Marion, Ohio as it was closer to my parents work, which was managing a Chinese restaurant called the Hong Kong Buffet. From fourth grade until I graduated high school, I attended Pleasant High School. It was at this high school where I was able to make valuable friends whom I could not live without, realize my interest in aiding others, and discover my love of science, my future plans, and my ambitions in life.

Currently, my plans for the future are to Major in Biology with a Pre-Medicine tract and eventually become a physician, or surgeon, specializing in the cardio or cardiothoracic regions of the human body.

My long term ambitions would be to become a son that my parents will be forever proud of as well as to leave a lasting legacy. Ever since I was little, I witnessed my parents slaving away working twelve hours a day, every single day, with rarely any breaks, so that my sister and I can focus on our education and have a bright future. I know that my parents are already proud of me as is; nevertheless, it is not something that I am content and satisfied with. I want to make my parents even prouder. I am determined to challenge myself in both education and life to become someone that will not only make my parents proud, but also show then that all their hard work was not for naught.

My second ambition involves a personal dream or goal of mine. For me, I have one big dream that I would like to achieve in the future. That dream is to leave a lasting legacy. I want to be remembered for the things I have accomplished long after I have passed. I want to impact society in a positive way and to leave a lasting impression for generations to come. I realize that this is a big dream and that it may be close to impossible, but I believe I can do it, and I am going to try my hardest to make it so.

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