Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post

One idea that inspired me from this module was what the second blog post circled around. Watching videos about the topics I am learning about is a great start to help me better understand whatever we are learning about. Even if the video isn’t about the exact topic we discuss in class, leaning more in the field is always helpful and can always help you to better understand what is going on overall. Getting more commutable with any topic is great, especially if it something you are currently learning about it is a great skill to be comfortable with the material. Watching videos is man easy way to expose yourself to more on a topic without having to do much besides sitting and watching but I think it would also be great to that this idea of just watching videos and tuning it into more. Creating or participating in activities relating to what you’re learning or even just going out and trying to see your topic in the real world will help you be more comfortable and confident in knowing things about a subject. For example, I am taking a class about the geology of national parks so I like to watch videos about that national parks. I have been to many national parks and using that experience also helps me feel more comfortable with the subject. Something I would like to try to also help me in this class is to go out and try to identify rock types in nature so I can learn to identify them for tests.

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