Year in Review

For the Fundamental Engineering Scholars program, our group’s Advanced Energy Vehicle project made it to the showcase! Here’s a picture of Brandon Cruz and I, standing next to our project:   The AEV was the lightest and used the least amount of energy and energy per unit weight in our section, although when we got to the competition, we definitely met some groups with impressive vehicles. Our AEV performed well, but our opponents edged us out of the running. Doing this with my group really helped me bond with my teammates and improve my communication skills and work with other people. Engineering and designing the vehicle as a team really improved our results when compared to what we would have come up with by ourselves. Combining ideas and testing things together, constantly pushing each other to work smarter really gave us the edge on our project.



Additional to the experience with design & engineering projects, I also got lots of experience from learning                 how to manage my own time and work on my own schedule. Throughout the semester, I managed to get myself           ready for the next semesters by learning how to work without getting distracted and forcing myself to sit down             and do work “now” and leave play for later. Keeping myself honest and getting all of my work done ahead of                   schedule is something that I’ve very proud of, because this was a large change from my previous academic work           ethic.