
Ever since I was younger I was fascinated with animals and how they interact with each other. I always wished my pets could talk because I wanted to communicate with them. I have always wanted to learn more and more about animals, their habitats, and why they act the way they do. My dream is to work and study with animals one day. I want to be veterinarian or a vet technician one day. It would be so cool to work on an animal sanctuary and study the animals. I want to do some type of internship in Africa to see and study big game animals in their natural habitat and safari. I’ve been looking into the internships at Disney World in their Animal Kingdom. That would be a dream of mine. I am indecisiveness person, so I often change my mind on what I want to do in life, which is why I chose to major in zoology. With this major, I can still change my mind and have backup plans to go to medical school, be a marine biologist, or anything else I might change to. I also have a passion and love for food and cooking. I want to find a minor in a type of food science or nutrition. This would be very applicable to whatever job I pursue because in order to stay alive humans and animals alike must eat.