
In January of 2019, I went on a medical mission trip to Honduras. The goal of the trip was to bring medical aid and medications to people in need who didn’t have anything. The country of Honduras is a very poor stricken and a corrupt country. The government is corrupt and the country is in poverty. The group was full of volunteers of doctors and the Salvation Army Core in Honduras. We would travel hours to go into the jungles and farm country of Honduras to serve the people and give them medical supplies and care. On this trip we helped many, many people in need. It was a very fulfilling trip and so worth it. The ability to put a smile on the little kids faces by merely smiling and waving at them was so fulfilling. It made me feel so amazing to be able to make them that happy by giving them a bracelet or just smiling at them. Even though during this trip it seems that we all helped the people of Honduras more. In reality, they made a bigger impact on me. They changed my outlook on life. I am now more grateful, humble, and look at things more positively. These people had maybe $5 to their name, yet they were always smiling and so happy to see us. This one girl in specific made the biggest impact on me. She wore her best dress to come see us to impress us and she looked like a little princess. All I did was wave at her and smile and she came over to me and sat with me for hours. This was so meaningful to me because there was a language barrier between us, but we still became the best of friends. She stayed with me for hours with the biggest smile ever on her face.

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