The club room is located in the basement of Bevis Hall. Some meetings are held there while others are in Caldwell.
Club Repeater: 442.6 MHz (shift: +5 MHz, PL/CTCSS: 114.8 Hz)
Available Equipment
- 2x SDRs (National Instruments USRP-2901)
- HF Transmitter (Ten-Tec Omni VI+)
- HF Tuner (Kenwood AT-180)
- Hex Beam Antenna (20/17/15/12/10/6m)
- Hex Beam Rotor (Yaesu G-800DXA)
- Dipole Antenna (80m, tunable to 40m)
- Icom D-STAR Repeater
- VHF/UHF Transceiver (Yaesu FT-7800R)
- VHF/UHF Monopole Antenna
- Laptop w/ N1MM, WSJT-X