Mashup Project

Final rendering of digital isometric composition (by Lucy Virgei, 2021)

Project Statement

With the timing of this project being right before christmas break, when starting this project my mind went straight to the holiday spirit. I chose two words that had to do with the time of year, Christmas and gifting; the two words that make up my new work ‘Chrifting’. The definition of the word is “the act of giving one a gift during the holiday season”. Because the definition had to do with Christmas I used a lot of images that reminded me and have because symbols of the holiday all over the world. I focused on how I could use certain images and embed them into different letters. For example, the shape of an F reminded me of the curved hook shape of a candy cane. I chose to manipulate letters in different ways, some I added to while others I used a more imagery approach. This added more depth to the poster composition while still adding to what the definition of this new word was. I kept the color palette minimal; with a word that revolved around Christmas, I chose red, green, and yellow, which are staple holiday colors. Using different values and brightnesses of these three colors allowed me to add even more depth. With this being an isometric digital drawing, I added as much dimension to each drawn image. By keeping the overall isometric text of the word in a red value and a clean simple font, this allowed the rendered images to become vocal points. With the letters lending a lot to the word Christmas, I placed an open present to support the second word gifting. The final poster represents the new word in an isometric perspective, clearly displaying the meaning of this new word through imagery and symbolism.


View detailed project process at MashUp: Process


This project was a huge turning point for me as a design student. This was the first project that was completely digital, and I was not the most educated with the software required. With th8is being said, I genuinely struggled turning the design process for this project. It was extremely hard for me to feel passionate and confident throughout creating this composition. I had several technological problems with the software and trying to figure out how to use it on the Ipad as well as on the desktop. As much as I did have a hard time as a design student working through each step on this project, I did it, I was able to push myself out of my comfort zone. That is why this project was a huge turning point for me as a design student this year. I stayed patient, even though I kept making mistakes, I was able to push through and really learn from everything that was happening. The design process for this project opened my eyes to what the process can be like. However, the challenges that I faced through this project lead me to really take the time and focus on my craft. My attention to detail, through closely drawing each isometric image and converting it to a vector based image, allowed my craft to really be strong and dominant. Overall, this project forced me as a design student to grow out of my comfort zone and expanded on how I deal with challenges that are presented throughout the design process.


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