
Having a strong Cover-Letter and Resume is essential in developing as a professional. These are the tools that will allow me to connect with employers, companies, and other various institutions in the future. They allow those interested to understand all there is to know about me so that they can make well-informed decisions. Due to this, it is critical that these documents reflect the most important aspects of who I am. Linked below is my current Resume. It is a living documents that is frequently edited to account for the needs of different situations. This is my most current version. I feel strongly reflects who I am and what I stand for, and will assist me whenever I call its name.

Ryan Venter Resume-1cnh1y9

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Ryan Venter and I am a first year student in the University Exploration program. I am a member of the Mount Leadership Society Scholars program and am excited for the opportunities in which it will offer me. Go Bucks!

Year in Review

Fall Semester of my first year as an Ohio State Student proved to be a challenge that taught me many lessons. I learned the importance of staying on top of my assignments as there were many instances in which I found myself pressed for time. I’ve already found myself being more organized and responsible than ever before, and I hope this skill stays with me for as long as I live. Along with the difficulties of my first semester came many memorable events, including Mount service projects, Legacy Week preparation, football and basketball games, and many others. It was a great experience that I will always remember, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Go Bucks!


7 months ago, or the last time I posted on my ePortfolio, my life was much different than it is today. I was at the end of my freshman year, nervous for finals but excited for summer. I was lined up to have a job at a snowcone shop while also taking classes at a local community college. Looking back now, both of those experiences were very beneficial to me as I made a lot of new friends from my job and I gained several credits for courses here at Ohio State.

Now that we are at the halfway point of the first semester of my sophomore year, there are many new aspects of my life than before. For one, I am officially a member of the Fisher College of Business with a specialization in Finance. After spending a year in University Exploration, it is very refreshing to finally be in my major of choice. Having gotten into Fisher, I now have two business-oriented classes: Business Statistics and Intro to Accounting. As of now, I am loving my statistics class as the material is interesting and applicable to life. Accounting is a challenge, but my hard work has paid off thus far as I have a high grade in the class. I am excited to see where both of these classes lead me later in the semester. I am striving to finish with an A in each course!

Apart from classes, I have been super involved on campus as well. Being a second-year Mount Scholar, I am a chair for the Media Archive Committee. We have been focusing heavily on taking pictures at Mount events to document what goes on in our program. We will also be hosting the Parent Reception in 10 days, so there is plenty to look forward to with MAC! I hope to grow as a chair and learn to run an effective committee alongside my fellow exec members.

Mount has also opened the door to volunteering opportunities for me. The Leadership class that we have to take for Mount, ESHESA 2571s, requires me to volunteer for 30 hours this semester. I am currently volunteering every Friday at the Columbus Library’s Learning Homework Help Center at the Northern Lights location. This experience has been extremely fun and engaging so far as I have learned a lot about myself through teaching others. Working with kids from kindergarten all the way through high school has opened my eyes to the ways current education is structured as compared to when I was a kid. I am looking forward to continuing my service at this location for the rest of the semester.

I’ve also been involved heavily in Sportsmanship Council as the Director of Marketing for the club. I am responsible for marketing our club and its activities on social media and to people on campus. It has been a very rewarding position as I have learned many new skills in the field of marketing. I’ve also recently been hired to work at Espress-OH in the Union! I have my first orientation on Sunday and I can’t wait to start. It will be nice to have some income every week or so!

The rest of the semester is definitely shaping up to be busy, but I am eager to take on the challenges it brings. Here’s to a great year!