New High Resolution Fluorescence Microscope System at CMIF!

Nikon N-SIM & N-STORM systemThe Campus Microscopy & Imaging Facility (CMIF) at the Ohio State University has recently acquired a new high resolution microscope that uses the latest in high resolution fluorescence techniques. The new system is from Nikon, called the N-SIM S. It includes integrated components to perform super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SIM) and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM). This post highlights four examples of what the system can do and briefly describes the basic principles behind the underlying microscopy techniques.

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MIPAR: an easy to use solution to your automated image analysis needs

The image analysis software from MIPAR is a relatively new image analysis program. I have used ImageJ (Fiji) for about a decade now, but I find MIPAR to be much easier to use in terms of implementing and developing image analysis protocols and fully automated solutions.

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Light Sheet Microscopy: acquire 3D quantitative images of whole organs with cellular resolution

light sheet microscopy kidney

Light sheet microscopy is a powerful microscopy technique that is ideal for imaging large specimens with cellular resolution quickly, gently, and over long periods of time. This article describes the basics of light sheet microscopy and briefly presents 3 examples looking at what light sheet microscopy can do with whole mouse organs.

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The 3i Cleared Tissue LightSheet Microscope

The Cleared Tissue LightSheet Microscope is 3i’s answer to the question, how to best handle, image, and extract as much valuable information as possible, as quickly as possible, from cleared tissue.

3i Cleared Tissue LightSheet Microscope. (Source: 3i)

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Welcome to Light & Electron Microscopy for Biology

Hello Readers. Welcome to my blog.

What is this blog about, and Who is it for?

I am writing this blog for a couple different types of readers.

First, I will have a State of the Art series of posts. These posts will be ideal for experienced microscopists looking for new techniques, software, and equipment to take their research to the next level. They will be brief summaries, focused on capabilities and applications so that you can determine if it is worth using in your own work.

Second, I will have an Introductory series of posts. These posts will be ideal for novice microscopists looking to develop a basic understanding of established, as well as the state-of-the-art, techniques. I will focus on the essence of each technique so that you can get up to speed quickly and get to using the technique now.

Finally, I will have an In-depth series of posts. These posts will be aimed for more experienced microscopists looking to gain a fundamental understanding of techniques in light and electron microscopy. I will focus on fundamental principles and technical details of the techniques so that we can evaluate and troubleshoot applications to biological systems and questions.

My Background

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