List of Original Poems by Ohio & Other US Writers

This list details all the original poems in this project specifically from Ohio writers. Some of these have been made into poster or film format. Please see below:

Angela Acosta, ‘Life on Hold’

Rita Bourland, ‘Gather in the Wonder’

Elizabeth Crump, ‘5/15/21’

Molly Davis, ‘Pandemic #1#2 #3’

Michaela Dengg, Instagram poems on the pandemic

Thomas Deever, ‘The Tick and the Moth’

Kenna Nicole Harrington, ‘The Sun and the Moon’

Kathie Houchens, ‘Breath’

Mustafa Ilgin, ‘The Long Road’

Carynne Spalding Jarrell, ‘ADHD exacerbated’

corbin t. lanker, ‘a new year’ and two short poems

Travis McClerking, ‘The Other Shoe’ and ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin Fever’

Catherine Maynard, ‘Not All Abuse’

Brynne Mosteller, ‘Room No. 5151’

Elizabeth Shneyderman, ‘strange tokens of ancestral determination’

Jessica Winter, ‘COVID’

Poems from Other States:


Michael Lyle, ‘Pandemic Snow’