Drake University
Des Moines, IA
Adjunct Instructor
The Drake University Educational Leadership Team invites applications for an Adjunct Instructor. This position will be responsible for teaching EDL 273 Instruction and Learning. The successful candidate will teach one section in the summer of 2023 to a cohort of aspiring principals. The course will take place on the Drake University campus.
The course objectives have already been established. The instructor is responsible for facilitating course activities and projects designed to meet the course objectives as well as grading all related coursework.
Job Duties:
• Teach using the pre-developed syllabus and provided textbook(s).
• Establish a system to assess students around the course objectives.
• Motivate students to actively participate in all aspects of the course, including the weekend meeting format. (Teaching will occur on 3 Saturdays from 8:30-3:30 and Sundays from 8:30-1:30 )
• Maintain timely communication with students to assist them in achieving course objectives.
• Monitor and document individual student progress.
• Communicate with Leadership and Counseling Department Chair as needed – (Essential)
For more information about the position and to apply, click here.