Faculty Adjunct Position: Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy


Whittier College
Whittier, CA
Faculty Adjunct Position: Multiple Subject Curriculum & Pedagogy

Whittier College invites applications for an adjunct faculty position in the Department of Education and Child Development.


  • Work with the Department Chair and/or a designated faculty member to understand Whittier College’s teacher education programs and how the course they teach fits within relevant scopes & sequences.
  • Participate in the Faculty-Adjunct Kick-Off
  • Plan and deliver instruction for the designated course (description and course goals below).
  • Monitor student learning, assign and input final grades.

Course Description & Goals
This course is an introduction to designing elementary math and science lessons using inquiry. Three big ideas drive the instruction and activities for this course (based on How People Learn, 2000):

1. That young learners enter the classroom with prior knowledge of math and science that needs to be addressed during instruction;

2. Each lesson should be designed around a limited number of learning goals that deepen a learner’s conceptual framework about math and/or science;

3. In addition to providing opportunities for the teacher to assess student thinking, lessons must provide students opportunities to monitor and reflect upon their own learning.

For more information about the position and to apply, click here.

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