Assistant/Associate Professor of Literacy Education


State University of New York at New Paltz
New Paltz, NY
Assistant/Associate Professor of  Literacy Education

The School of Education at the State University of New York (SUNY) at New Paltz is pleased to announce searches for two tenure-track faculty positions in Literacy Education, one at the level of Assistant Professor, and one at the level of either Assistant or Associate Professor. We are seeking colleagues with experience and expertise in one or more of the following areas: Literacy Assessment & Diagnosis; Early Childhood & Childhood Literacy Instruction; Literacy Professional Development & Coaching; Digital Literacies & Multimodal Practices; Critical Literacies; Young Adult & Children’s Literature: and/or Literacy Instruction for Multi-Lingual/Multi-Cultural Learners. Positions will begin August 2024, and Courses can be viewed at these links: Literacy Education B-6Literacy Education 5-12.

Duties at the Assistant and Associate Professor Levels:

  • Teach and advise students in the graduate Literacy Education program, as well as advise students in an undergraduate teacher preparation program. The regular teaching load is three 3-credit courses a semester (or the equivalent).
  • Contribute to scholarship in literacy education through research, publications, and presentations at regional, national, and international meetings.
  • Provide service to the department, university, and local community by serving on School of Education and University committees, continue and establish partnerships with local school districts, and regularly contribute to curriculum and professional development activities with and for teacher candidates.

Additional Duties at the Associate Level:

  • Coordinate the graduate Literacy Education program. Examples of responsibilities include scheduling courses, recruiting and accepting graduate students, and collaborating with staff, part-time faculty, and graduate assistants. The graduate program coordinator receives release time for this work.

For more information about the position and to apply, click here.