Instructor Adjunct, Transition and Access Program

University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, Ohio
UC School of Education
Instructor Adjunct, Transition and Access Program

The Transition and Access Program is accepting applications for a term adjunct (part-time) faculty. This instructor will teach specialized courses designed to support individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Courses typically offered during the day may include: Academic Support: This course assist students with the support of an academic coach in applying academic and executive function strategies to support their success in their UC elective courses. Strategies include planning, organizing, scheduling time to study, completing assignments, reviewing course content materials, preparing for quizzes/exams, and negotiating group work. Daily Living: This course will focus on independent living skills everyone needs to be successful in their day-to-day life such as maintaining our appearance, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning, and some that we do less frequently, such as maintaining our home and budgeting. Other courses: Self Determination, Community Options, Financial Literacy.

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