Fairmont State University
Fairmont, West Virginia
FSU School of Education
Assistant Professor of Education
Fairmont State University is seeking a full-time, tenure track, faculty member to join the School of Education, Health and Human Performance. The Education Department provides undergraduate and graduate programs for teacher education in face-to-face and online formats. Our faculty are committed to preparing effective and caring educators who are knowledgeable in content, pedagogy, and assessment, and who demonstrate effective dispositions. Fairmont State’s educational and work environment encourages knowledge of and respect for diversity.
The candidate will assist with the development and implementation of various aspects of course design, program assessment, and accreditation, including university assessment reports, annual reviews, CAEP and Specialized Professional Association accreditation processes, and the assessment of student work and learning outcomes. This requires data collection, data analysis, and preparation of reports. When appropriate, these duties will be performed in collaboration with other faculty, department chair, and dean. Successful candidates will be committed to excellence in teaching, be adaptable and flexible, and be adept in the use of instructional technology.
- Teach undergraduate elementary education and graduate education courses in both face-to-face and online formats (potential courses include: pedagogy of literacy; introduction to education; human development, learning and teaching; instructional design);
- Supervise candidates in field-based settings and clinical experiences;
- Work with pre-service candidates and in-service teachers in public-school settings;
- Advise education majors;
- Accreditation assessment responsibilities;
- Collaborate with faculty in recruitment and retention activities, and curriculum planning;
- Engage in scholarly activities; and,
- Provide service to the university, including university, college, and division committees.
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