
Welcome 2017 Camp Staff!

The following individuals have been hired as 2017 summer camp staff for Tar Hollow 4-H Camps. We are looking forward to a great camp season which will begin in less than two short weeks!

  • Camp Manager: Mackenzie Lowe (Athens County)
  • Naturalist and Assistant Camp Manager: Adrian Wymer (Fairfield County)
  • Recreation Director: Izzy Timmons (Ross County)
  • Craft Director: Madison Rout (Ross County)
  • Waterfront Director and Lifeguard: Natalyn Landis (Fairfield County)
  • Lifeguard: Stephen Lowe (Ross County)

2017 Staff Applications are Available!

Interested in sharing the 2017 camp experience with youth and volunteers from Athens, Fairfield, Pickaway, and Ross counties?

Consider joining our camp staff! Application links with deadlines are posted here:

2017 Staff Application due February 10th, 2017. Staff positions available for Camp Manager, Assistant Camp Manager, Canteen Director/Activity Assistant, Recreation Director, Waterfront Director/Canteen Helper, Lifeguards/Canteen Helpers, Craft Director/Canteen Helper, Naturalist/Canteen Helper.

All positions are subject to changes and modifications after interviews. All positions will be responsible for helping with other camp duties as directed by the Camp Manager/Camp Director and may include basic health checks and cleaning duties.

2017 Food Service Staff Application due March 1st, 2017. Food Service Staff positions available for Camp Food Service Manager and Staff.

3 Reasons to Choose a Job at Camp Instead of a Summer Internship

With spring semester in full swing, college students are contemplating their next plans! Read more on the American Camping Association website why students should choose camp staff over an internship! Click here!

2017 Tar Hollow Camp Staff Applications will be available soon!


Welcome to the website for Tar Hollow 4-H Camp operated by the Ross-Hocking Extension Camping Association. Check back for news and updates regularly. We also encourage you to subscribe for updated blog posts and information as it is posted. Have a great summer!