Symposium: China and the Jews in the Modern Era
The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, is hosting a one-day symposium on “China and the Jews in the Modern Era,” on Sunday, 19 April 2015. We would like to encourage graduate students or recent Ph.D’s (e.g., in history, religion, law, comparative studies, political science, sociology, literature, linguistics, education, music, fine arts, film studies, etc., etc.) working in this area to participate in a poster session during this symposium. To out-of-state participants with travel support needs who are chosen by the committee, we are able to offer $100 toward transportation, along with meals at the event, and, if needed, one night’s lodging in Columbus.
If you are interested in partial travel support to participate in the poster session, please contact us as early as possible via the following webpage:
Provide information on your current (student) status, institution, department, and contact information, and let us know briefly, in a paragraph or so, your research pertaining to the topic of this symposium – China and the Jews in the Modern Era – that you would like to share with the symposium participants at the poster session.
For general abstract submission — by the deadline of 8 March 2015 — follow the instructions below.
Poster Session – Abstract Submission
Topics: Any topic that fits into the theme of the symposium, but also more broadly construed to include activities in China (modern and pre-modern), as well as issues and topics pertaining to the Jewish diaspora that impacts China and/or the Chinese.
Deadline: 8 March 2015 at 11:59 PM EDT
Please send two files (abstract file and author information file) to <>. Use the following subject heading for the email: Poster Session – Abstract Submission.
Abstract File — Specifications: A suggested format and style for abstract files is as follows.
File: PDF file
Filename: (first author’s)lastname_firstname.pdf
- Font: Times New Roman or Times
- Font size: 12 point
- 1 page (letter-size, single-spaced preferred)
- Format: title (centered at top of page) and author’s name and institutional affiliation (centered on the next line), two blank lines, and then text of the abstract, plus some references
- Length: 200 words maximum for the text of the abstract
- Subject heading of email: Poster Session – Abstract Submission
- Email — by 8 March 2015 @ 11:59 p.m. EDT — the 2 files (abstract file and author information) to: <jic.symposium>.
Author Information:
File: PDF or Word file
- Title of your presentation
- Name(s) of author(s)
- Affiliation(s) of author(s)
- E-mail address of the contact person
- Telephone number of the contact person
- Request for travel support: Optional. Funding is limited and is open to out-of-state student presenters only.