Symposium: China and the Jews in the Modern Era
Symposium: China and the Jews in the Modern Era
Date: Sunday, 19 April 2015. 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Place: Mershon Center, Room 120 & Lounge, OSU
(1501 Neil Ave., Columbus, OH 43201)
Flyer: China and the Jews in the Modern Era (pdf)
Program Schedule: Symposium Program (pdf, 04.13.2015)
Abstracts Online: Abstracts and Invited Speakers’ Bios
Pre-Registration: Please pre-register here
National and International Invited Speakers
1. Moshe Bernstein (University of Western Australia, Australia)
Lecture: “Authenticity Claims and Authentication Processes: The Kaifeng Jews’ Revival of an Unrecognized Identity”
2. Bei Gao (University of North Carolina Wilmington)
Lecture: “China, Japan and the Flight of European Jewish Refugees to Shanghai, 1937-1945.”
3. Jonathan Goldstein (University of West Georgia)
Lecture: “Kharbintsy: The Transnational Identity of the Jews of Harbin, China, 1899-2015″
4. Rabbi Anson Laytner (Seattle University)
Lecture: “Kol Yisrael Haverim: The Impact of External Jewish Contact with the Kaifeng Jews in the 20th and 21st Centuries”
5. Noam Urbach (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Lecture: “Sino-Christo-Judaica: The Christian Factor in the History of Kaifeng Jewry”
Additional Presenters
6. Joseph Galron-Goldschläger (Jewish Studies Librarian, OSU) and Guoqing Li (Chinese Studies Librarian, OSU)
“OSU Libraries’ Jewish Studies Collection and Resources on the Jews in China”
7. Kaiqi Hua (U.C. Merced) – via videoconferencing
“Sketch of Ignaz Trebitsch-Lincoln’s Adventure in China (1922-1943)”
8. Ya’nan Bai (Independent Scholar) and Litong Chen (OSU)
“Nineteenth Century Mandarin in the Old Testament: A Study of the Translation of Biblical Names”
January 31. Poster Session – Abstract Submission
– Deadline: 8 March 2015 @ 11:59 p.m. EDT – closed
January 15. Call for Poster Session
August 23. China and the Jews in the Modern Era, a one-day symposium, will be held on 19 April 2015. It is sponsored by several departments and units at Ohio State.
The event is spearheaded by Professors Matt Goldish (Dept. of History; Director of the Melton Center for Jewish Studies) and Marjorie Chan (Dept. of East Asian Languages and Literatures; Director of the Institute for Chinese Studies).
Melton Center for Jewish Studies
Institute for Chinese Studies