The Ohio State University

Fall 2024

Welcome to the student computational seminar! This semester, we will have regular meetings from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. every Thursday at MW 154. Please check the schedule for the semester below.



Date Speaker           Title
08/29 Haroun Meghaichi (OSU) Frenet immersed finite element methods for interface problems: Design, analysis and future directions
09/05 Yuan Chen (OSU) Data Driven Modeling of Stochastic Systems
09/26 Xinyu Liu (OSU) TBA
10/03 Zhongshu Xu (OSU) Modeling Unknown Stochastic Dynamical System via Autoencoder
10/17  Tim Kunisky (JHU)

Spectral pseudorandomness, free probability, and the clique number of the Paley graph

10/24  Liangchen Liu (UT Austin) The Impact of Multiscale Dataset and a Multi-Rate Gradient Descent Approach
11/08  Alex Alberts (Purdue) An Information Field Theory Approach to Regularized Inverse Problems
11/21  Yifan Chen (NYU) TBA

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