Next Week in SHARP (October 27th to November 2nd)



October 30th – No Meeting – ACS Clinical Congress


























  • Annual CCTS Scientific Meeting Set for December 3rd


Contact Faith Kline with questions. Read more here.






  • New Data Available for Pre-Order
    • AHA Annual Suvery Database has new data points that will shed light on hospitals’ and health systems’ moves to address social determinants, populations health and the changing payment landscape
  • With the AHA’s rich and growing set of data, we’re empowering hospitals, health systems and their business partners to discover new directions, set strategies and plan actions for success in today’s evolving health care landscape. We’ll soon be releasing new data set that include information on:
    • Population Health/Social Determinants Strategies
      • Remote patient monitoring
      • Diabetes prevent programs
      • Employment support services
      • Supportive housing services
      • Meal delivery services
      • Non-emergency transportation to health services
    • Insurance
      • Provider-owned health plans
      • Hospital/system partnerships with insurers/health plan
      • Self-administered employee health plans
    • Alternative Payment Methods
      • Bundled payment arrangements
        • Payer type
        • Medical/surgical conditions included
      • Accountable care organizations (ACO)
        • Degree of participation
        • Payer type
        • Proportion of patient revenue represented
        • Degree of participation; and by payer type
    • Physician-Organization Arrangements
      • Ownership share
      • Organization of physician practices
      • Proportion of primary care vs specialty care physician practices
    • Facilities and Services
      • Co-located specialty hospitals
      • Air ambulance services
      • On-campus-Off-campus emergency departments
      • Outpatient clinical sites

To learn more information please contact Judy Opalek, PhD ( More information also provided here.


• Join the Translational Data Analytics Institute for the 2019 Fall Forum on November 6-7, as we explore how the Ohio State community is using big data to solve today’s most complex challenges. Over the course of two days, you’ll hear from distinguished speakers, host interactive lectures / information sessions on data programming and interdisciplinary data analytics research teams, and see how the entire campus community is using big data for good with a morning poster session.

To submit to present your data science and analytics research, click here.

For more information about the TDAI Fall Forum, click here.




We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Scott Chaffee ( for inclusion on this list!



Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Scott Chaffee (  



Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Scott Chaffee ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.



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