Next Week in SHARP (September 15 to September 21)



September 18th – No Meeting

September 25th – SHARP Works in Progress – Madison Hyer, MS

September 25th – SHARP Works in Progress – Courtney Collins, MD

October 2nd – SHARP Works in Progress – Heena Santry, MD, MS

SHARP Weekly Meeting on September 25th will take place in Doan N705



Institute for Population Research 2020 Seed Grant Announcement

Currently accepting applications-Due Oct. 9, 2019

IPR offers seed grants to nurture research projects consistent with IPR’s mission to promote population science research.  IPR favors multi-disciplinary collaboration.  We especially encourage applications from junior faculty, and from faculty new to population and health research.

Funding for this seed grant program is drawn primarily from our NICHD P2C award.  See below for the scientific mission of the NICHD Population Dynamics Branch [PDB].  Priority is given to research which falls within one or more of IPR’s four thematic areas:  (i) Sexual and Reproductive Health;  (ii) Family Demography;  (iii) Mortality and Health over the Life Course;  (iv) Migration.  If you are unsure if your research fits, you are welcome to discuss with IPR Director John Casterline.  See:  for examples of past IPR seed grants.

Visit for more information.


• The NCDB PUF Application is Now Open

The National Cancer Database (NCDB) is pleased to announce that the Participant User File (PUF) application process is now open. The NCDB will accept submissions for site-specific files, which include cases diagnosed between 2004 and 2016. The application period will now be open year-round, except for brief scheduled maintenance or brief updates. The 2017 PUF data is anticipated to be available in early 2020.

One change of note in this release of the PUF is that you will have the option of requesting a technical review of your proposal for feasibility. Although you are not required to request a technical review, we encourage you to do so, especially if you are a new PUF user.

Prior to planning to submit a PUF, you are advised to read the information provided at the NCDB website. A critical information tool for all applicants is the Getting Started Document, which details the variables and their limitations that could impact your proposed study. It is also important to review the PUF data dictionary to ensure that you are able to conduct your proposed study with the variables available.

Applicants are expected to:

  • Be added as a PUF applicant with a CoC Datalinks User Name and Password (contact your hospital cancer registrar for assistance)
  • Complete a PUF application, including disease site requested, data analyst, co-investigators, study question, analysis plan and other relevant information
  • Receive a letter of support from your cancer program’s Cancer Committee Chair. This letter is to be on letterhead and uploaded at the time of submission of your application in order to be reviewed
  • Review the American College of Surgeons’ CoC NCDB Participant Use File (PUF) Purpose and Terms of Agreement and Data Use Agreement to determine if any conflicts may arise at your facility or in your intended use of the PUF
  • Assess your facility’s IRB policy

PUF applicants will receive files within two weeks after the submission is approved. In order to download the requested files, a Data Use Agreement (DUA) must first be signed electronically. For additional information please visit the PUF website.

Questions regarding the NCDB PUFs or the PUF submission process should be sent to NCDB technical staff at




• Presentation by Professor Lisa McGirr




















We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Scott Chaffee ( for inclusion on this list!



Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Scott Chaffee (  



Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Scott Chaffee ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.

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