Next Week in SHARP (April 14 to April 20)


Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 at 3:30PM: Kevin Ricci, MD – Journal Club                                                            “Variation in Surgical Outcomes Across Networks of the Highest-Rated US                               Hospitals” by Sheetz et al. The paper can be found here.

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 at 4:00PM: Wendelyn Oslock – SHARP WIP

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 at 4:30PM: Kenneth Allen, DO – SHARP WIP

Note: The meeting on April 17th will take place in Doan N705



• The Surgical Outcomes Club (SOC) is excited to continue its growing presence at the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting (June 2-4, 2019) in Washington DC. The SOC is sponsoring the Surgical and Perioperative Care Interest Group Annual Meeting and an AcademyHealth travel scholarship.

Surgical and Perioperative Care Interest Group Annual Meeting. The Surgical and Perioperative Care Interest Group (IG) meeting will be held Saturday, June 1 from 2:30 pm – 6:30 pm.  The IG is a unique network of multi-professional stakeholders focused on research and policy issues most relevant to perioperative care. The IG offers a common venue for surgeons, anesthesiologists, intensivists, proceduralists, nurses, health policy analysts, researchers, and policymakers to discuss common, high priority issues that affect the value of care and quality of life for individuals undergoing surgery. The IG aims to create a forum for groups that commonly do not interact at clinical subspecialty meetings to engage in dialogue and share current and future work. We hope you will consider attending this year!

AcademyHealth Travel Scholarship. The Surgical Outcomes Club AcademyHealth Travel Scholarship provides an avenue for young investigators to attend the AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting and gain experience and knowledge in the fields of surgical outcomes and health services research. For more information, or to apply, please visit our website:

Deadline extended to Tuesday, April 30

Thank you for your ongoing engagement in SOC! We hope to see you at AcademyHealth in Washington DC!

All the best,

Amir A. Ghaferi, MD, MS

President, Surgical Outcomes Club


•  New series on postoperative pain and opioids in The Lancet

From the Executive Summary:

Over the past decade an increasing reliance on opioids to treat pain has been associated with a rising epidemic of opioid misuse in the USA, that is now expanding globally. This three-paper Series documents the role of inappropriate opioid prescribing after surgery as a major cause of the opioid epidemic.





•  Dear Cancer Center Community:

Please see the information below from NCI on the reissuance of the P20 SPORE mechanism devoted to cancer health disparities:

NCI has recently reissued this RFA that may be of interest to you.  Some information on this funding opportunity is below.

RFA-CA- 19-034: “Feasibility and Planning Studies for Development of Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) to Investigate Cancer Health Disparities (P20, Clinical Trials Optional)”

  • Reissue of RFA-CA-17-033 (resubmissions will be accepted)
  • Purpose: The goals for this FOA include developing translational research programs focused on investigating cancer disparities. The P20 grants will support feasibility and planning activities to build cancer disparities research programs, with the expectation that the research programs will become competitive for a full P50 SPORE.
  • New restrictions: Due to a focus on understudied areas of cancer disparities, applications proposing prostate and breast cancer projects are not responsive for this issuance.
  • Four submission dates: June 19, 2019, October 18, 2019, June 19, 2020, and October 18, 2020.
  • A pre-application webinar is planned for late April.  A Notice will be published on the RFA with the date and a link to registration.

Please feel free to pass this information on to others with expertise to compete for this research opportunity.  All inquiries regarding this FOA can be sent directly to Dr. Tiffany Wallace (



1. Restrictive Transfusion Strategy Is More Effective in Massive Burns: Results of the TRIBE Multicenter Prospective Randomized Trial
Palmieri, T.L., Holmes, J.H., Arnoldo, B., (…), Taylor, S.L., Pollock, B.H. 2019 Military medicine, 184(1), pp. 11-15.

2. Identification of substance use disorders in burn patients using simple diagnostic screening tools (AUDIT/DAST-10)
Rockne, W.Y., Quinn, K.C., James, G., Cochran, A. 2019 Burns.


We pull publication data from Scopus, based on our ORCID list.  If you have other publications (i.e. book chapters), or invited lectures, patents, etc. please send to Scott Chaffee ( for inclusion on this list!



Send us news of your grant successes!  Email to Scott Chaffee (



The Society for Medical Decision Making is now accepting abstracts for Oral and Poster Sessions and proposals for Short Courses to be presented at its 41st Annual Meeting, Many Views on Value.  Submissions will be accepted through May 28, 2019.  More information regarding abstract submission can be found here.

Send us the names of your favorite meetings!  Email to Scott Chaffee (  


REMINDER – SHARP Meetings.  Based on SHARP Core Faculty feedback, the SHARP meeting schedule has changed.  We have moved to a more flexible and dynamic 90 minute meeting time on Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00PM.

  • On the first Wednesday of the month, we will continue to have our Grand Rounds presentation, preceded by a 30 minute session that may be didactic in nature, or may be a quick WIP, roundtable or informational session.
  • On the other Wednesdays of each month, we will have the ability to flex time in 30, 45 or 60 minute increments, to allow for WIP’s of varying duration, didactic informational or educational sessions, journal club discussion, and roundtable faculty meetings.



Dr. Strassels’ office hours are every Wednesday from 8:00AM-11:00AM. Contact Scott Chaffee ( to schedule a 30 minute block of one on one time with the SHARP Scientific Director.

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