Statement of Action

For my remaining time on campus, I plan to focus mainly on getting research experience and applying to graduate school. I am relatively close to finishing all my classes and have completed all my GE classes so I will focus on taking elective classes for my major and minor that interest me and will be beneficial to me for my future career. Because I do not need to take as many classes a semester as I used to, I will try to get into a research lab so I can get as much research experience as possible. I will also be studying for the GRE and finding the graduate school that is the best fit for me. I will continue to be an active member in the organizations I am in and hope to find one or two more to participate in. During the summers, I will continue to do research with the LEGACY program at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (as I have previously explained in another tab) and expanding my network of connections. Once I graduate, I plan to go to a graduate school for neuropsychology and study the effects of trauma on the brain and behavior.

Abstract – Included in this Eportfolio

The different tabs included this eportfolio give an overview of my years at OSU as well as a sense of who I am. In the About Me tab, I give a background on myself and explain my goals for the future. In the Artifacts tab, I explore some of the important experiences in my past couple years at OSU that have helped me grow the most. In the Career tab, I included my resume as well as a plan of action for my future. In the G.O.A.L.S. tab, I explore some of my main goals and experiences that go along with them that I have had at OSU. Finally, the Year in Review tab is a short summary of both my years here at Ohio State.


The following is the link to my LinkedIn: LinkedIn: