Year in Review

Looking at my senior year of high school, I was satisfied going into the year. I was on the varsity soccer team, I was confident in my academics, and I had good friends. The soccer season was a huge success. We won a STAC title and a sectional title, before eventually losing to the eventual state champions. However, after this I decided not to play on my premier soccer team in the spring because I knew that I was not going to college for soccer. I already decided to go to OSU for academics and the environment. I am still content wit my choice. Academically, some of my AP classes were challenging. However, in the end I am very proud of my GPA and my class rank of #3. Everything else my senior year kind of cruised by. I may not have done some things that I had hoped to do, but overall, I am glad to say that the year was a success.

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