Enchanting Echoes: Romanticism @ OSU @ ICR

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As its founding act, Romanticism @ OSU arranged a panel proposal for the 2014 International Conference on Romanticism: “Enchanting Echoes: Folklore and Form in Romantic Ballads.” This last weekend, we made the journey to Minneapolis, despite the disastrous shutdown of Chicago airspace on Friday. Unfortunately, one of our panel members wasn’t able to make it due to the flight cancellations, and another of our panel members wasn’t able to stay after reading due to extreme illness. We were, in many ways, the panel of Last Romanticist Standing. But we had an engaged audience, and the Q+A session was especially collegial, with a lot of back-and-forth on difficult ideas rather than the more perfunctory “one and done” Q+A methods that sometimes plague a languishing session. Our heartfelt thanks go out to the friends, both new and old, who attended our session and provided such insightful feedback. We’re already looking ahead to ICR 2015!

downtown minneapolis

Downtown Minneapolis