I’ve sent the current listserv members the link to a Doodle poll so we can meet to discuss the possibility of a join panel proposal (or two) for this year’s International Conference on Romanticism (conference site). I’m imagining that we’ll study the conference theme and CFP, think about how they intersect with our current projects and interests, and meet to share our ideas and find intersections that would support a panel rationale. I’m looking forward to the conversations that emerge!
Romanticism @ OSU Launch
Hello all! I’m excited about the launch of Romanticism @ OSU, an interdisciplinary group of graduate students and faculty at The Ohio State University. Things will start small, but I’m hoping that the group will grow and lead to compelling, unexpected collaborations.
For now, check out the About page for the group’s mission statement, and for information on how to subscribe to the group’s email listserv.