Gifting Design

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Video of packaging and gift

Project Statement

For this project, I made a gift for my mentor, Brooke Koch in reference to the quote, “Innovation is often the ability to reach into the past and bring back what is good, what is beautiful, what is useful, what is lasting” by Dorothy May Kinnicutt. My goal with my piece was to evoke nostalgia and sentimentality as those are her favorite kind of gifts. I wanted to show her progress as a designer, so I created an interactive package/gift that takes Brooke through important stages of her design career. The final outcome was achieved through paper (watercolor paper, cardstock, and chip board) and the creation of abstractions to form patterns. The different layers come out to reveal one-by-one the different stages of Brooke’s design journey.


View full project process at Gifting Design: Process


This project was very different than any of our past projects, which was very intimidating. Our guidelines were not as strict, and we were designing for an actual person. One challenge I faced was creating a sentimental gift for a person I just met. However, that led me to ask Brooke more questions and think more critically and intentionally about my final design. Another problem I faced was the limited access to the laser cutter, but I was able to develop my hand-cutting skills with a new material I had not cut before (chipboard).