Space and Time Walk: Process


In class we looked at different styles of maps to expand our ideas of what a map could be.

View full map research at Map Research

As a class we went out and took pictures to work on our composition.

We also created a collage to get some inspiration for our final project. My theme for my map is the meshing of nature and man, so for my collage I decided to use strong contrast between the lush green and stark concrete.

I used jagged cutouts from magazines to represent the industrial part of campus.

I added 3D elements with softer edges to represent the natural part of campus.


1. Written Descriptions

2. Visual Descriptions

Hayes Hall
Wexner Center of the Arts

View full pdf of visual descriptions at Compositions


I did all of my planning on Sketchbook to get a clear idea of how I  wanted to layout my map. I experimented with words and how I wanted to portray the sounds I heard on my path.


I began with the iterations on my iPad, forming new ideas digitally. I then transferred those ideas to paper.

I did a rough sketch of Hayes and started on the outlines of my buildings. I added 3D lettering to the buildings that followed my path.

I added more trees and details to my map including more dimension to my words.

I began to add color to my map using green felt pens. wanted to make my path stand out with contrast, so I used a different shade of green than the rest.

As a whole, this project was a very great learning experience. I learned that slow looking is an important skill to have, and using all of my senses will be crucial as a designer. I also enjoyed the amount of freedom we had to make our maps completely unique. In the future I want to push the boundaries more with my design and not be afraid to take risks.

View final portfolio project at Space and Time Walk