Year in Review

I have matured more in the past four months than I did in all four years of high school combined. College is the living embodiment of “pedal to the metal”. It seems as if everything I have done in college, from academics to social life to extracurricular activities including sporting, community service, and social events, have been not only brand new experiences, but experiences that you need to fully immerse yourself into in order to truly reap the benefits of it. And this new college life is one that requires lots of time management, planning, and energy in order to fit everything in and do every task to the best of my ability. With this said, the initial expectations I had at the beginning of the year were coming from a person who had never experienced college before and who seamlessly breezed through high school level courses and with my first four months of college under my belt, I can say that I most likely fell short of a few of these initial expectations. But that is more than okay. College academics has shown me the biggest challenge I have ever faced. But, I have come to realize that a college education is more than worth the time and dedication put into it. I have also learned that developing this type of work ethic and learning the material presented in lectures are some of the most important parts of the college experience, not so much the letter value that shows up on your transcript. We must not forget that there is a person who exists behind every transcript and that that person has a personality all of their own and is made up of the events that have transpired throughout their life. And it is up to us which experiences we chose to include in our lives. Looking back on my time at Ohio State so far, the experiences I have had have been nothing short of incredible. All that I have learned and all who I have met in my short time here have been astounding and incredible and I cannot wait to see where my next seven semesters of study lead me!

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