Year in Review

Over the past year, I grew mostly as a leader because in my senior year, I was the most involved in extracurriculars than in any of my previous high school years. I was a choreographer for our school’s annual Diwali cultural show showcasing south asian dances. I learned a lot from my experience as a choreographer such as making compromises and realizing that not everything will go according to plan. Additionally, I grew as a researcher because I started a biochemical independent study with my biochemistry teacher to learn about advanced lab techniques and processes that would help in the future. The scholars program is where I hope to grow even more as a researcher by participating in medical research at OSU under the guidance of an experienced doctor. When I entered the Biological Sciences Scholars program I was looking forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities and this is something that accurately describes me even today. The scholars program is where I hope to grow even more as not only a student but a citizen that can contribute to society and inspire others to do the same as well. One thing I enjoyed this semester was the numerous scholars events hosted monthly because going to these events with other scholars (essentially my close friends) were extremely fun. Also, in the weekly biological sciences scholars seminar class, I learned useful information about adding a minor that would contribute to my pre-med track and help for the MCAT. Also, being encouraged to have a resume editing session was super helpful and allowed me to change my resume entirely. These little things that the bio-scholars program helped me with are going to stay with me well into the future, and looking back at my first semester in this program, I have learned a lot about not only about academics but career and profession wise.