
Module 7

One of the most useful things I learned in this module was the importance of taking breaks. To be the most productive your body has to be constantly recharged and one of those ways is with breaks. So often people want to cram in as much information as possible but that won’t cut it. Short yet frequent breaks depending on how long and often you are studying can be very useful during finals or other assignments. I have already tried to include more breaks when I complete homework assignments, it gives me the opportunity to take some time for myself and refresh before I go back to work. It works out so well because you are able to get more done with better results, rather than doing everything at one time with less effort because you are so drained. Some other ideas from this module I would put into the future are using music to help stay focused. Sitting in dead silence is not the most productive thing for me to do, so to have some peaceful background music playing while I am getting work done is the best. It is so easy to look up study music or concentration music on youtube or spotify. From this module I would advise students to pay attention to the focus sections of the powerpoint. Staying on task can be a hard thing to do especially in college where there are plenty of distractions.

Module 6

I think the most useful thing I got from this module is the source credibility section. In this section you learned about the 3 things to source credibility which is reliability, quality, utility, and then of course whether or not wikipedia is acceptable. Reliability involves questions to ask about the publishing or authors and whether they are credible. Quality involves whether the information is bias, recent, or well written. Lastly Utility which involves to see the information is related to your topic and if the information is sufficient. In the future you can put these ideas into practice especially the Wikipedia one because that is a very common source that everyone wants to use, but it should only be used as a secondary source when writing papers. I have already had to use easy bib for past papers in high school to give credit to the resources and authors. It is an easy way to have citations done correctly and you don’t have to worry about formatting. I would advise past, present, and future students to go through the powerpoint and really understand reliability/credibility because it is an important concept to understand. All of your papers you will need citations and giving credit to your sources, so it is important to make sure you know how to do it correctly to be successful.

Module 5

The most useful thing I have learned in this module is the importance of note-taking. In high school in certain classes you might have been able to get away with not taking notes. However, this is college and listening/note taking are going to be keys to being successful in the classroom. The module gave different examples of note taking strategies and the positive and negatives of them all. Using the last assignment we were suppose to practice note taking with a given lecture and compare ours to the examples in the video. I prefer to use typing due to the pace the professor was talking, and this way I was able to get all the information down that I needed. I think it worked better than me handwriting because I could organize it in a very quick and easy way for me to understand. I think I could implement ideas of active listening in the future, and I think it is something important for people to practice. Sometimes in class I lose focus from long lectures, so by doing active listening just trying to pay attention to main ideas will keep my attention. I would tell students to watch the videos and look at the power points so they can understand the importance of it.

Module 4

I think the most useful thing I have learned from this module is the several different ways to boost your learning through technology. The lesson introduced Thomas Frank’s list of “20 useful websites every student should know” gave examples of everything from google docs to gramarly. Then later in the powerpoint it should some student suggested apps/websites to look into. There are a lot of things that go into a good study app for students and the powerpoint gave a wide variety of apps that can do different things. I already put into practice the time toast resource which helps create timelines to put events into order based on number. It was super easy to use and if I ever have work with dates and events I would highly recommend that one. I would totally put in ideas from the module about memory. The video broke down your brain’s memory like a computer with three parts sensory, working, and long-term memory. I think understand how memory works is important and for example the sensory can only remember things for 2-3 seconds and then would go to the working memory or be forgotten. I think knowing this helps you not get frustrated when you can’t remember material quickly. I would advise students to try everything and see what really works for them for their needs.