Infectious coryza (IC) is caused by the bacteria Avibacterium paragallinarum. Both broiler chickens and laying hens from all age groups are susceptible, but the disease is more common and lasts longer in older birds. IC affects mainly the upper respiratory tract and has the potential to cause a marked reduction in egg production and poor performance. The incidence of IC has increased in recent years, with more complicated clinical signs and higher mortality rates reported, representing an important threat to animal welfare and egg production. It is important to get familiar with the disease for early detection and intervention. Check out the attached link for more information.
For the Veterinarian
An Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Check out this two-minute video in partnership with the Ohio Poultry Association and the Ohio Department of Agriculture where we answer some of your most common questions.
Poultry Biosecurity for 4H Youth
Biosecurity is a major tool in our toolbox to prevent the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. Check out this webinar class held in partnership with the OSU Extension 4H program area to teach basic biosecurity to 4H youth.
Updated Biosecurity for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Trifold
The trifold from the 2015 outbreak has been updated and can be shared to clients to assist with Biosecurity measures as we continue to address the current state of HPAI.
CLICK HERE to View, Print, or Download the Trifold –> Avian Influenza Trifold
Biosecurity for Backyard Poultry
Biosecurity is one of the most important tools in the toolbox of the poultry producer. Learn some tips about keeping your flock safe in this short video collaboration with The Ohio Poultry Association.
It is also up on OSU Extension Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to share with your audiences.
Update on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza January 20th, 2022
Last week USDA APHIS issued updates that included multiple cases of High Path Avian Influenza in the Carolinas(waterfowl), which would put them on a path towards Ohio following the migratory waterfowl pathways. Attached is a PDF technical report with a bunch of helpful links embedded to assist your clients who are hunters, backyard poultry keepers, or members of the 4-H community as they prepare for chick season. Biosecurity will be critical to avoid an outbreak this season.
Click here to view, print, or download the PDF —> High Path Avian Influenza Update 01 19 22
Backyard Poultry Production Resources
There has been a resurgence of people who wish to raise their own food for personal and family food security, both with produce and with poultry. I am increasingly getting asked about backyard poultry keeping so I wanted to put a resource together to assist you in getting the knowledge you need for safe, healthy and productive backyard poultry keeping.
FIRST THING: Find out the regulations in your city or municipality that governs the keeping of backyard poultry and follow those rules carefully.
I created a Backyard Poultry Keeper Online Certificate Course. Super Cheep at $25 dollars. This can be used if you have a city or county that requires a certificate.
To register for the course CLICK HERE. You can also find it at –>
We also have a number of Fact Sheets hosted on Ohioline to support poultry keeping:
- Performing a Physical Exam on a Chicken
- Winter and your Backyard Chickens
- Predators of Poultry
- Chicken Breed Selection
- The Making of an Egg
- Poultry Diseases Factsheet AS-P-3-22 – Dynamics of Poultry Disease
If you need help finding a Veterinarian that sees poultry, we have a list plus a map to assist you with that.
If you have questions regarding the keeping of poultry after watching the webinar then feel free to contact me at
New APHIS/USDA Biosecurity for Backyard Poultry Website and Information
USDA/APHIS has increased the amount of materials for use for increasing outreach and awareness regarding Biosecurity for Backyard Poultry with the Defend The Flock program.
Materials that can be used for outreach and awareness include webinars, fact sheets and website links
CLICK HERE for a link to the DEFEND The FLOCK resource page
Winter and Your Backyard Chickens Fact Sheet
A new fact sheet has been added to Ohioline to assist backyard poultry producers navigate the challenges of keeping their flock safe and healthy during cold weather.
Click Here to view and print Winter and Your Backyard Chickens on Ohioline.
2017 Poultry Medicine Workshops
Veterinary Extension at The Ohio State University is pleased to offer three separate “Poultry Medicine Workshops” to be held in in the general vicinity of the Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati metropolitan areas . Each one-day program consists of lecture followed by a wet lab in the afternoon. The program is coordinated by Dr. Mohamed El-Gazzar, OSU Poultry Extension Veterinarian, with instructors consisting of various poultry experts. The purpose is to introduce veterinary practitioners in small animal and mixed animal practice to poultry medicine. The goal is to provide veterinarians with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to accept poultry clients. Noncommercial and urban backyard poultry producers are a growing and underserved population that will continue to require more veterinary involvement in the future.
CLICK HERE for link to OSU Veterinary Website with workshop details
Click for download of workshop PDF –> Flyer_Poultry Medicine Workshop 2017-voln01