Our Committees

The Postdoctoral Association (PDA) at OSU has several different committees to help improve the experience of its members. Here is an outline of the different PDA committees along with a brief description of each of the committees. If you are interested in being a part of any of the PDA committees, please signup using the form at the bottom of this page. If you have any specific questions, please contact the current co-chairs of the respective committees.

Travel Awards: Collecting the applications, sending them out for reviews and granting the triannual travel awards to postdocs based on their PDA involvement and Research.

Current Chairs:  Madhura Phansikar, PhD, Joao Victor del Conti Esteves, PhD 


Professional Development: Organize programs to support the professional research and career development skills of postdocs by providing workshops/forums to address career related issues such as grant writing, scientific writing, job searching, networking, non-academic careers, etc.

Current Co-Chairs: Ruohan Wu, Serena de Stefani, PhD,  Ligang Liu, Pharm D

Social: Facilitate professional and social networking within the postdoctoral community by organizing events including socials, picnics and trips or activities. Organize events to provide opportunities for social, professional and academic networking.

Current Co-Chairs: Katie Kemp, PhD, Suraiya Allidina, PhD

International: Facilitate international postdocs on specific issues to this group, including immigration, international partners or spouses, and language training.

Current Co-Chairs: Madhura Phansikar, PhD, Pankaj Kumar, PhD

Policy and Advocacy: Collect and analyze information on employment conditions and benefits of postdocs and their families; seek adequate benefits for its members commensurate with the level of education and skill demonstrated by the Ph.D., including a health plan, parental leave, child-care, disability insurance and retirement plan; seek recognition for postdocs as members of the campus community with a distinct set of contributions and needs, work to get a voice in campus decisions that affect postdocs, and formalize and coordinate our relationships with faculty and campus administrators.

Current Chair: Shamama Nishat, PhD

Development: Organize and facilitate fundraising efforts to support the work of the PDA and the postdoc community.

Current Chair:

Committee Signup

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