
All current Ohio State Postdoctoral Researchers and Fellows are eligible to apply for a Professional Development Award in the amount of  $750 (for applications involving travel). Applicants must remain affiliated with Ohio State throughout the application process until the time of reimbursement. Applications will be assessed based on PDA involvement, research impact and career goals. To comply with OSU regulations, all applications involving travel (within the US or abroad) require a preapproval from the applicant’s mentor and their department. Please see the Policies and Guidelines document below for more information.

Policies and Guidelines for the PDA Professional Development Awards-  PDA Travel Award Guidelines_2024

Application form-


Deadlines/Dates for the PDA Professional Development Awards

We have three application cycles per year corresponding to the semesters in which the travel occurs (Spring, Summer and Fall). Any applications submitted before or the application periods specified below will not be considered.

Autumn 2024 (September- December) Open Now!!

Professional Development Activity Period: September 1st, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Application Period: Starting 12:00 AM, August 5th, 2024 until 11:59 PM, August 23, 2024
Reimbursement processing due no later than 30 days after the activity

Summer 2024 (Completed)


Currently, the PDA is granting a maximum of 4 awards for the Autumn 2024 cycle.

*Note: Please notify the PDA immediately if you are awarded a professional development award and are then unable to utilize the award during the time period allotted. We understand that circumstances sometimes change. Failure to utilize a travel award without notifying the PDA will disqualify you from consideration for any future PDA Awards.

If you have questions, please contact the PDA at