Waiver of Competitive Bidding
The Waiver of Competitive Bid Form must be completed by university departments when seeking to purchase goods in excess of the bid limit of $25,000 or more per supplier, per fund, per fiscal year; or services in excess of the bid limit of $50,000 or more per supplier, per fund, per fiscal year.
These limits are supplier specific and applied to each org / fund combination on a fiscal year basis. Purchases from eStores, consortia agreements or university-wide contracts are excluded from this provision.
Waiver of competitive bidding.
1. The senior vice president for business and finance may approve requests to waive the competitive bid process for certain purchases.
2. The following are justifications for granting a waiver of the competitive bid process:
a. Sole source. A sole source justification exists if the required goods or services are only available from one supplier.
Instructions for Bid Waiver request: https://busfin.osu.edu/sites/default/files/instructionsforwaiver.pdf
Waiver Request Form: https://busfin.osu.edu/sites/default/files/requestforwaiver.pdf