Course Registration Information

Accessing your personalized Curriculum Plan (CP) in Beacon

The nursing coursework is sequential in nature. Students are assigned to a specific curriculum plan that must be followed, and this plan is housed in Beacon. This curriculum plan outlines your coursework for the duration of your program. Students will be able to access Beacon after they have accepted their offer of admission, paid the deposit, and matriculated as an active student. This process can take several days after accepting the offer, so please allow some time before the Beacon login is active.

Enrollment Appointments

Students are assigned enrollment appointments that determine the date and time they can enroll in classes. Enrollment appointments for Autumn open the third week of March. You will not be able to enroll in classes until the date and time of your personal appointment. To find your appointment information please visit Buckeyelink; the appointment will appear on the right side of the page a week or two before it is scheduled to open. You will not see the appointment until it is assigned.

How to register for classes

Class registration occurs through Buckeyelink. Your enrollment appointment will be listed on the right side of the screen.  Please visit the Graduate School’s resource page for step-by-step instructions for how to enroll in classes.

Intra-University Transfers

If you were admitted as a Graduate Intra-University Transfer, your acceptance will not be reflected on BuckeyeLink and you will be unable to register for classes or access Beacon until you have been reactivated by the Graduate School. This process can take up to four weeks from the acceptance deadline. If you still cannot enroll after that time, please reach out to your Graduate Program Manager.

Account holds

If you have a hold of any kind on your account, you will be unable to register for classes. Hold information may be found on your Buckeyelink main page, in the top right of the page.  If you have a note indicating you have a hold, you may click the “details” link for additional information.  Clicking the hyperlinks will tell you the reason for the hold and which office you must contact in order to resolve the issue.

The most common reason why you may have a hold on your account is that you are required by the university to complete a “Financial Responsibility Statement” each term of enrollment.  Agreeing to the statement will release the hold.  Please check your Student Center to complete any requirements prior to registering for classes.

Registering for statistics

Statistics courses are not offered through the College of Nursing, therefore PhD students are required to take these courses through other departments at the university. There are a few options for you to select from, depending on your research interests:

  • Public Health Biostatistics (PUBHBIO) 6210, 6211 & 6250 (this is the most common version our students take)
  • Educational Studies: Quantitative Research, Evaluation and Methods (ESQREM) 6641, 7635, 7648, 7651
  • Psychology (PSYCH): 6810 & 6811

Other class options are listed in the statistics and cognate class list. You are encouraged to look up these courses in the Registrar’s course catalog to determine what may best meet your needs. You should also speak with your faculty advisor to discuss the available options.

Once you have selected your statistics course, you will need to take the following steps:

  • Log on to Beacon and submit a curriculum change request form for the course you would like to take to meet the statistics requirement.
  • You may also need to email the instructor of the course you would like to take for permission to enroll. If that is the case, please email the instructor to make this request. If you receive their approval, please forward that email on to to complete your enrollment.

Additional credits

Post-baccalaureate (BSN to PhD) students may have a notation in their curriculum plan to enroll in “Additional Credits.” This is noted in the case where you are not pursuing a clinically-focused master’s degree in the college or the nursing science specialty. These additional credits are needed to meet the university’s requirements for graduation (80 credits are needed to graduate with a PhD as a post-baccalaureate student). You must select these additional credits with the assistance of your faculty advisor. Options for these additional credits include:

  • You may take a course outside the College of Nursing which is relevant to your area of interest.
  • Some students also elect to take additional graduate level courses offered in the College of Nursing, including:
    • NURSING 7403 Innovation Leadership in Advanced Nursing Practice
    • NURSING 7483 Quality Improvement and Informatics
    • NRSPRCT 8490 Health Promotion, Theory, and Population Health
    • NURSING 8500 Nursing Policy for Doctoral Nursing Practice
    • NURSING 7780 Evidence-Based Nursing Scholarship
  • You can enroll in a graduate-level certificate offered in the college. Please email if you are interested in this option.

Once you have selected your course for additional credits, please log on to Beacon and submit a curriculum change request form for the course you would like to take.
