Artifact #1

This picture was taken on Wednesday, September 20th right outside of my dorm room. I was coming home from a Big Sib/Lil Sib event that was hosted by IAA at OSU and I was frantically rushing home to get ready for the gym where my friends already were waiting for me. I had misplaced my phone in my room and I could not locate where I put it, thus adding onto my already antsy nerves. All of a sudden, there was a knock on my door and I frustratedly jolted the door open to find a friend accompanied by about six other people. They started cheering and clapping congratulating me on being chosen to be a  new body member for BuckeyeThon. The acceptance/rejection email were supposed to go out that night, but they also chose to personally come to each new member’s door step and congratulate them. To capture the moment we decided to take a picture with my congratulatory letter. I chose to make this my artifact because to me this is a very proud moment where I prove to myself that I have grown and that I am capable of accomplishing things if I really strive for them. The interview process, along with the application process, really tested me to think outside of the box and to teach myself to believe in myself. The interview itself was very intimidating, by being interviewed by 5 others in an official board room with questions that forced me to think on the spot effectively and efficiently. I remember walking out of the room super hot and nervous, thinking to myself that I just blew my chance of being a part of an organization that I planned to be a part of since high school. The self doubt was eating away at me the whole week, constantly influencing my mood when the topic came up. When I was warmly congratulated and welcomed into the BuckeyeThon family that night, I was overjoyed and a sense of self-pride and more importantly a sense of self-trust started to develop in me. Coming to college I constantly have been doubting myself. Telling myself that this is a big school with many people and there will always be someone better and someone smarter to fill the role, but moving forward this will no longer be the focal point in my head, but instead I will learn to believe in myself and my capabilities.


[Artifacts are the items you consider to be representative of your academic interests and achievements. For each entry, include both an artifact and a detailed annotation.  An annotation is a reflective description of the artifact that attempts to communicate its significance.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]