Problem Areas & Solution Goals

Problem Area: Applying toothpaste to a toothbrush with one hand.

User Needs: User needs ability to multitask and use multiple items at one time, while only using one hand.

Solution Goal: Easy usability to use both items at one time.


Problem Area: Tying shoes with one hand.

User Needs: User needs to be able to take both shoe laces and tie them with one hand, without worrying about shoes untying shortly after.

Solution Goal: Ability for one-handed user to tie shoes with ease and maintain that the shoes will not untie easily.


Problem Area: Tying a tie with one hand.

User Needs: User needs to be able to form the complex knots required to form both a Windsor and half Windsor knot using only one hand.

take both shoe laces and tie them with one hand, without worrying about shoes untying shortly after.

Solution Goal: Ability for one-handed user to tie knots with ease, knots

won’t become undone easily.


Problem Area: Opening a pill bottle.

User Needs: User needs to be able to perform all functions of opening a medicine pill bottle (push, twist, pull)

Solution Goal: easy and efficient pill bottle opening


Problem Area: Applying shaving cream to face when shaving.

User Needs: Owner needs efficient way to apply shaving cream to face using only one hand.

Solution Goal: Shaving cream on face without the cream all over hand and surrounding area.


Problem Area: Clipping fingernails on only hand.

User Needs: Owner needs efficient way to trim fingernails while only having one hand.

Solution Goals: Cutting fingernails of the only hand while using the only hand.