Locations, Dates and Times for Public Distribution are FINALIZED!

Howdy Gardeners!

The Ohio State University Extension offices have finalized their distribution locations, dates and times! Please check out the locations page HERE!

Some counties will recommend that you call. Their phone numbers are provided under that counties section.
Please also check out our FAQ page to answer all of your questions!

4 thoughts on “Locations, Dates and Times for Public Distribution are FINALIZED!

    • Thank you for reaching out to the Ohio Victory Garden program with your questions/concerns!

      Just like your garden, we are working each year on growing the Ohio Victory Gardens program and being able to provide sample seed kit packets to more counties. Eventually we hope to be able to distribute sample seed kit packets in all 88 counties.

      Please check out our FAQ page ( https://u.osu.edu/ohiovictorygardens/faq/ ) for any other questions. For updates on the program please SUBSCRIBE to our page!

      Ohio Victory Garden Program

    • Thank you for reaching out to the Ohio Victory Garden program with your questions/concerns!

      Just like your garden, we are working each year on growing the Ohio Victory Gardens program and being able to provide sample seed kit packets to more counties. Eventually we hope to be able to distribute sample seed kit packets in all 88 counties.

      Please check out our FAQ page ( https://u.osu.edu/ohiovictorygardens/faq/ ) for any other questions. For updates on the program please SUBSCRIBE to our page!

      Ohio Victory Garden Program

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