Ethan Rivera

Student Programming Lead at OSU Battelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy

Ethan Rivera holds a BA in Psychology from The Ohio State University. He started his career working in a Forensic Psychology practice and then moved on to the Child Development Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital specializing in psychological testing and behavior management for children with developmental concerns. He also has spent time building community in numerous areas in the arts world in Columbus, running an open mic poetry show, coaching high school, college, and adult level poets at national competitions, and growing the community around the common goal of creating art, telling our stories, and brave spaces.

Ethan started at Ohio State Battelle Center in 2019 and leads all student programming and community development for students to have a space that they can call home, network, and connect with peers who can support them. He is a co-instructor for the Rapid Innovation for Public Impact course where he mentors innovation teams to apply their skills and work on real-world challenges. Ethan is also a member of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee at the Glenn College and hopes to create more opportunities and a healthier environment for those often left behind.