Advisor Board

Mark Bartman
The Office of Research at The Ohio State University

Elaine Bryant 
Executive Vice President 
Aerospace and Defense at Dayton Development Coalition

Glenn Richardson
Managing Director
Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace and Aviation at JobsOhio

Robert Shaw
Aerospace Consultant
The Ohio State University

Brian Strzempkowski
Assistant Director
The Ohio State University Center for Aviation Studies

Tim Sweeney
Sector Director
Advanced Manufacturing, Aerospace and Aviation at JobsOhio

Ethan Rivera
Program Manager
The Ohio StateBatelle Center for Science, Engineering, and Public Policy

Dr. Giorgio Rizzoni
Ford Motor Company Chair in Electromechanical Systems
The Ohio State University Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Amber Woodburn McNair
Assistant Professor
The Ohio State University City and Regional Planning

David Cooke
Senior Associate Director
The Ohio State University, Center for Automotive Research

Ted Angel
Director, Aerospace Affairs
Aerospace and Defense at Dayton Development Coalition

Blake Stringer
The Ohio State University, Center for Aviation Studies

Scott Broemsen
Legislative Affairs Officer
NASA Glenn Research Center