2024 Team

2024 Ohio Air Mobility Symposium Team


Camille Herman

Camille Herman, originally from Pittsburgh, PA, is a fourth-year student at The Ohio State University. She is currently working towards a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and will graduate in May 2024.




Speacial Events Coordinator

Alex Hartsough is a third-year Aerospace Engineering Student with a minor in Public Policy at The Ohio State University. He is currently working towards completing his bachelors degree before looking toward graduate school in Aerospace Engineering.


Logistics Lead

Ryan Bieryla is a  second-year undergraduate from Grapevine, Texas, who is pursuing a dual-degree program with a BA in Social Sciences Air Transportation and a BA in Music, also serving as Vice President of Alumni Relations with the Ohio State Men’s Glee Club.Ryan hopes to complete his private pilot license and attain his flight dispatcher certificate prior to graduation.
